Saturday, April 18, 2015

EEG electrode placement summary, April 2015

After experimenting with different EEG amplifiers, I got more information about different EEG electrode position. And then my summary ought to be revised. Below are the revisions in my PhD note.

In my notes, I add information about CSP spatial filter because this filter is suitable with EEG amplifiers with more than 8 electrodes. CSP is Common Spatial Filter. This filter is used for motor imagery BCI involving lateralization of hand movement: left versus right, contralateral versus ipsilateral.


Previous EEG electrode placement summary:

The EEG amplifiers, I have used so far in my PhD study at the University of Oldenburg, as well as in my master study at the University of Bremen, are below.

  • mBrainTrain Smarting, a mobile EEG amplifier with 24 electrodes, since the second year of my PhD study.
  • gtec MOBIlab+, a mobile EEG amplifier with maximum 8 bipolar electrodes, for the third semester of my PhD Study.
  • Easymotiv, which is modified Emotiv EPOC with Easy Cap, a mobile EEG amplifier with 14 electrodes, for the first semester of my PhD study.
  • TMSi Porti 7, an EEG amplifier with 32 electrodes, for my master thesis.
  • gtec USBamp, an EEG amplifier with 16 electrodes, for my master project.


Tulisan ini adalah revisi dari rangkuman posisi elektroda EEG untuk Brain-Computer Interface sebelumnya. Revisi dilakukan setelah mencoba beberapa EEG amplifier. Dalam revisi terdapat penambahan informasi tentang Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) sesuai catatan doktoral 24 November 2014.

Bremen, 18 April 2015

Darah Juang!