Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bandung Brain Computer Interface: Bionic Arm 2014

Previously, I have written about Bandung Brain Computer Interface (1,2,3) and the lack of research publication from Indonesia about BCI (wp, blog). Now, there are new youtube video from Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, my former lecturer at the Electrical Engineering of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The video is about the research on bionic arm, controlled by Brain Computer Interface (BCI). The BCI Bionic Arm will be shown in the Electrical Engineering Day on June 2nd until 7th, 2014 at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

From the video, I have found out that BCI2000 and Emotiv EPOC are used. Of course, MATLAB is also used. However, EEGLAB as a MATLAB toolbox for EEG analysis is not used. OpenVibe works only with Emotiv EPOC Research SDK. If other SDKs are used, for example Education SDK, then instead of OpenVibe, BCI2000 is the right framework to get EEG data from Emotiv.

Beside Electroencephalography (EEG), the video shows also Electromyography (EMG). Based on these signals, a bionic arm is controlled. The movement is hand opening and closing. From the video, there is an example of active motoric execution of a human participant. The subject wears Emotiv EPOC headset and move his hand actively. Emotiv EPOC sends the EEG signals via bluetooth to the computer and then a software decode these signals and transform them into commands for controlling the bionic arm.

I hope there will be other good news from Bandung BCI in the near future. Now, I am back to my real research, instead of blogging.

Bremen, 28 Mei 2014

Darah Juang!